Photo: Kamil Kurylonek
Hacking Choreography explores both the overlap of programming and coding languages and choreography, as well as principles of computer hacking such as re-purposing or subverting. Drawing on similarities such as defining terms and executing commands, choreography becomes a code run by dancers, but also code for movement may be considered choreography. Throughout this project a practice-as-research approach has been taken in exploring these concepts and various studies have been created to ‘hack’ choreography. These include creating a dance coding language based on java that is hacked during a performance, hacking fluxus scores, and letting dancers hack the performance. The ongoing aims of this research is to continue to find the similarities between code and choreography through both choreographic devices and programming languages, as well as find if this may find implications in areas such as live notation or live coding. This series of performances are sometimes performed in conjunction with one another, however some pieces may stand alone. The pieces have been performed in a variety of settings including untraditional spaces such as media lab foyers, and abandoned offices, as well as black box theatre spaces.
Previous Performances
January 2014, Art & ICT Connect, Waterman Gallery, London UK
May 2013, Gnarl Festival, Lincoln UK
November 2012, Open Platform, Access Space, Sheffield UK
July 2012, Live Notation, Arnolfini, Bristol UK
February 2012, Prism 11, Sheffield UK
January 2012, Critical Encounters, LPAC, Lincoln UK
El Diario ‘Hackeando’ la coreografía: esta artista hace que los algoritmos bailen
Thor Magnusson (2014) Herding Cats: Observing Live Coding in the Wild in Computer Music Journal 38(1) 8-16. MIT Press. http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/COMJ_a_00216#.U0F41P2IA5s
Emma Cocker (2013) Live Notation: – Reflections on a Kairotic Practice in Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts, 18:5, 69-76. Taylor and Francis. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2013.828930
Hannah Elizabeth Allan (2016) coding performance: from analogue to digital, International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 12:2, 163-170, DOI: 10.1080/14794713.2016.1227594